Resilience Training

Build trust and camaraderie.

What is resilience training?

Defined as “a dynamic process encompassing positive adaptation within the context of significant adversity” by Luthar and colleagues (2000). Empirical research indicates that resilience is influenced by our interpretations of challenges, not solely by inherent traits or external circumstances (Yeager & Dweck, 2012). This implies that resilience can be enhanced, cultivated, and nurtured through intentional efforts, as highlighted by Kim-Cohen (2007).

Why does resilience matter?

Resilience refers to the ability to adapt, bounce back, and recover from challenging or adverse situations. It’s the capacity to maintain a positive mental state, effectively manage stress and emotions, and continue functioning productively despite facing difficulties. Resilience doesn’t mean avoiding problems or never experiencing stress; rather, it’s about developing the skills and mindset to navigate challenges in a healthy and effective way.

Coping with Adversity - Mental and Emotional Well-being

Coping with Adversity - Mental and Emotional Well-being

Effective Stress Management - Enhanced Problem-Solving

Effective Stress Management - Enhanced Problem-Solving

Improved Relationships - Personal Growth and Learning

Improved Relationships - Personal Growth and Learning

-Jaeda G., Program Participant, NY

“Learning about triggers can be really helpful to knowing how you’re feeling and how you can resolve them in a difficult situation. This can help with my daily life when interacting with my family, friends, coworkers, and new people that I meet. I can take this knowledge into the workplace.”

🗝️ Key benefits

  • Improved emotional regulation and coping skills

  • Better control and management of stress

  • Enhanced emotional intelligence

  • Increased performance and career success

  • Enhanced communication skills for more positive relationships

  • Improved engagement and motivation

  • Enhanced adaptability, focus, creativity and productivity

  • Increased optimism, happiness and wellbeing

Build greater awareness

Our goal is to help demystify your brain to give you a line of sight to where you are, navigate where you want to be, and provide the practical tools to get there. The assessments and debriefs are designed to give you a foundational understanding of the brain-based concepts, frameworks and tools used to understand and nurture your psychological safety. By understanding how your brain dictates your behavior you can create a greater understanding and awareness into your actions, emotions and biases through the lens of neuroscience. With this selfawareness in place, you can then improve your awareness of others by understanding what may be driving their behavior and needs, all of which can facilitate better communication and relationships

We provide Resilience Training to individuals that are designed to equip you with the awareness, skills, and tools necessary for working in today's collaborative work environments.

Empowering Strength Through Resilience



May 6th, 2024


This program is designed to equip participants with the tools necessary to enhance their resilience. This course will explore what resilience is, why it is important, and how to cultivate it through practical strategies and techniques. Participants will gain insights into managing stress, maintaining mental health, fostering positive relationships, and enhancing their capacity to recover from setbacks.


  • Definition and components of resilience

    Importance of resilience in personal and professional life

    Understand the concept of resilience

    Recognize the importance of resilience

  • Emotional Intelligence

    Mindfulness and meditation techniques

    Develop self-awareness

    Apply self-regulation techniques

  • Identifying stressors

    Stress reduction techniques (e.g., exercise, relaxation techniques, time management)

    Identify personal stressors

    Apply stress reduction techniques

  • Cognitive restructuring

    Growth mindset

    Practice positive thinking

    Adopt a growth mindset

  • Effective problem-solving strategies

    Making decisions under pressure

    Develop effective problem-solving skills

    Make informed decisions under pressure

  • Communication skills

    Emotional support networks

    Enhance communication skills

    Foster strong, positive relationships

  • Physical health (exercise, sleep, nutrition)

    Mental health (counseling, self-compassion,


    Develop a personal self-care plan

    Understand the importance of mental and physical


  • Identifying and using personal strengths

    Creating a resilience action plan

    Recognize how adversity can lead to growth

    Develop a personal resilience action plan


By equipping you with essential tools and strategies, we empower you to navigate life's challenges with greater confidence and emotional stability. Through expert guidance, practical exercises, and personalized support, you'll develop the capacity to effectively manage stress, bounce back from setbacks, and cultivate a resilient mindset. As you strengthen your resilience, you'll experience improved mental and emotional health, deeper personal growth, better problem-solving skills, and more fulfilling relationships. Join us on this transformative journey to fortify your well-being and embrace life's opportunities with resilience and vitality.

Tuition & Financing

Full Tuition

Save $100 when you pay in full upfront.

Total cost of course: $2,500



Access exceptional lending opportunities by applying for a loan with Meritize, our esteemed high-quality lender.

Loan approval subject to eligibility.

Apply Here


Divide your tuition into 5 easy payments, paid during the duration of the program.

$525 per installment


We do not have scholarship funding available for this program at this time.

Want more information about tuition & financing in your area?
Our Admissions team is here to help.

Contact us at 631-468-7477 or email us at!


  • In today's fast-paced world, challenges and setbacks are inevitable. Resilience training equips individuals with the tools and mindset to bounce back stronger from adversity. It fosters emotional strength, enhances problem-solving skills, and promotes a positive outlook, ensuring that individuals don't just cope, but thrive amidst challenges. By prioritizing resilience training, you're investing in a foundation that not only safeguards your mental well-being but also propels personal and professional growth. Embrace resilience, and transform every setback into a powerful comeback!

  • Absolutely everyone! Whether you're a student navigating academic pressures, a professional facing workplace challenges, a parent juggling life's many responsibilities, or someone simply looking to enhance personal growth, resilience training is your key. It offers universally applicable tools and strategies that help individuals of all ages and backgrounds manage stress, adapt to change, and overcome obstacles. No matter where you are in your journey, resilience training provides the skills to turn life's challenges into stepping stones for success. Equip yourself with the power of resilience and watch every aspect of your life flourish!

  • Resilience training is a multifaceted approach designed to empower individuals from the inside out. Key components include:

    Mindset Mastery: Cultivate a growth mindset that sees challenges as opportunities rather than threats.

    Emotional Regulation: Learn techniques to manage and harness emotions, ensuring they fuel constructive actions.

    Problem-Solving Skills: Equip yourself with strategies to effectively tackle and navigate through setbacks.

    Social Connections: Understand the importance of nurturing supportive relationships and effective communication.

    Well-being Practices: Embrace holistic health through stress-reducing techniques, mindfulness, and self-care rituals.

    Together, these pillars create a robust foundation, preparing you to face life's twists and turns with confidence and grace. Dive into resilience training and unlock your unbeatable spirit!

  • The journey of resilience is both personal and unique to each individual. While some may notice a shift in their perspective and reactions shortly after starting resilience training, others may require a longer period to internalize and apply the strategies. Typically, with consistent practice and application of the tools and techniques, individuals begin to observe noticeable positive changes in their stress management, emotional responses, and overall outlook within a few weeks. Remember, resilience is a skill that grows stronger with time and practice. So, as you continue your training, you'll find yourself becoming more adept at bouncing back from challenges and thriving in the face of adversity. Your resilience journey begins the moment you commit!

  • While some individuals might naturally exhibit higher levels of resilience due to their upbringing or experiences, the beauty of resilience is that it's a skill that can absolutely be learned and cultivated at any age or stage in life. Just like a muscle that gets stronger with exercise, resilience can be developed and enhanced through targeted training and practice. Whether you feel you're starting from scratch or just looking to bolster your existing resilience, our training offers tailored tools and techniques to empower everyone. So, regardless of your starting point, you have the potential to harness the power of resilience and elevate your ability to navigate life's challenges with grace and strength. Everyone has the capacity to grow resilient!